
Friday, February 28, 2020


  • After two years of Gatsby’s death nick describes his funeral that it was filled of journalists, reporters, and gossip mongers 
  • More wild and untrue rumors went around about Gatsby’s relationship with Myrtles and Wilson 
  • Feeling that Gatsby wouldn't like a funeral alone nick tries to get his friends and accountants but they have all disappeared 
  • Tom and daisy have moved away with no address for them to look for as well as Meyer Wolfshiem and Klipspringer
  • The only people to attend the funeral are Nick, Owl eye, a couple servants, and Gatsby’s dad 
  • Gatsby’s father is proud of his son and saves a couple pictures and memories 
  • Suck of East egg Nick moves back to the Midwest he breaks off his relationship with Jordan who tell him that she had been with another man 
  • As nick is leaving he encounters Tom and refuses to shake his hand but later accepts then Tom tells nick that he was the one who told Wilson that Gatsby owned the car that killed Myrtles 
  • Tom said that Gatsby deserved to die as Nick thinks that Tom and Daisy are careless and uncaring people and the destroyed people and things knowing there money will protect them from negative consequences 
  • Nick thinks that everything happened in the west because Jordan, him, Tom and Daisy are from the west and that moving to the east and living fast paced and the luxury life changed them into the people they are 
  • The night before nick left he went over to Gatsby’s mansion and erased a word of the stairs that someone put he went to the back and looked at the beach then at the moon rising and imagined how the island would look without any houses and how the explorers saw it 
  • He imagines that America was a goal for dreamers and explorers just like daisy was for Gatsby 
  • Nick sense that people everywhere are motivated by the same goal by desire to move forward into the future in which they realize there dream 
  • It’s seems to be like a boat in the ocean with the waves carrying back into the past 

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